Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay

Concept Synthesis Paper on Personal Nursing Philosophy - Essay Example These concepts also provide a framework for the purpose of analysis, to compare the perspectives of different nursing theorists (Fawcett, 2000). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to identify, discuss and document the basic four domains of nursing metaparadigm: patient, nurse, health and environment. One’s own perspectives regarding two other practice-specific concepts for one’s rural emergency department setting will be identified, discussed and documented. Propositions or assumption statements that connect the concepts will be listed. Nursing philosophy explains the meaning of nursing phenomena through analysis, meaning and logical argument. Nursing philosophies provide direction for the discipline, forming a foundation for professional scholarship, leading to new theoretical understanding and professional application (Marriner-Tomey & Alligood, 2006). Most philosophies of nursing are â€Å"statements of beliefs about nursing and expressions of values in nursing that are used as bases for thinking and acting† (Chitty, 2004, p.230). Most philosophies of nursing are formulated using the concepts of people, environment, health and nursing as the main foundations. Around three decades ago began a period of major developments in nursing theory, â€Å"characterized as a transition from the pre-paradigm period to the paradigm period† (Marriner-Tomey & Alligood, 2006, p.6). Paradigms are abstract philosophical concepts which form the basic parameters and framework for organising a discipline’s knowledge. Nursing theory explains patterns and relationships found in nursing phenomena and activities. Theories are developed to describe the many aspects of nursing towards promoting a normative standard for nursing practise, through nurses’ study and evaluation of the theories (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2004). All aspects of nursing such as practice, administration, education, research and further theory development form the

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